Choose among the Small Prints below, featuring 25 German Christmas Traditions:
Advent Calendar / Adventskalender
Moravian Star / Herrnhuter Stern
Christmas Angel / Weihnachtsengel
Christmas Tree / Weihnachtsbaum
Krampus Night Costume / Krampusnacht
Christmas Present / Weihnachtsgeschenke
Christmas Cards / Weihnachtskarten
Ice Skates / Christkindlesmarkt
Christmas Fruit Cake / Christstollen
Advent Wreath / Adventkranz
Mulled Wine / Glühwein
Christmas Boots / Weihnachtsstiefel
Christmas Pyramid / Weihnachtspyramide
Chocolate Santa Clause / Sinterklaas
Eggnog / Eirpunsch
Fire Tongs Punch / Feuerzangenbowle
Silent Night Sheet Music / Weihnachtslieder
Nutcracker / Nussknacker
Christmas Cookie / Weihnachtsplätzchen
Christmas Pickle Ornament / Weihnachtsgurke
Straw Star Ornaments / Strohsterne
Christmas Carp / Weihnachtskarpfen
Christmas Bell / Weihnachtsglocke
Roasted Goose / Gebratene Gans
Three Kings Day Parade Star / Dreikönigstag
Print Size / 5.5 x 8.5
Matted Size / 8 x 10
Details / Titled with German and English Translation
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