Lists To Be Lived
Life is short. We get a hundred years — if we’re lucky — to do it all. A hundred years to chase our passions, see the world, figure ourselves out, and become everything we will ever be. A century can seem terribly brief. At least that’s one point of view. But we think there are better ways of looking at it. “Life is long,” wrote the philosopher Seneca, “if you know how to use it.” And from that perspective, the next question practically asks itself: how can we live in a way that squeezes more life out of that time we do have? We believe it starts with spending less of it on the screen — and more of it moving, seeing, learning and doing. Discovering your city, your planet, and along the way, developing yourself through lived experience.
You’ll find that every Addvent list you complete becomes far more than the sum of its parts. Each becomes a catalog of experiences that have shaped you, a beautiful record of the days you’ve seized, a receipt proving you did not waste your precious time, but spent it well.

Join the #Addventure
We are currently seeking artists, writers, and designers, dedicated to their craft, who want to develop content about interesting things. Whether you prefer to create adventures of your own or select ideas from a pre-approved list, you’ll only work on adventures you choose. We know that people do their best work when it’s work they’re personally invested in, and we encourage you to bring your own style and perspective to every list. If you are an artist interested in joining the Addvent team, please fill out our Artist Contact Form.
You can submit list ideas about the cultures and communities you know best. Together we can connect adventurers with destinations, challenges, and experiences they’d never discover otherwise. We will credit you on our online platform and you’ll be able to follow along as people engage with your list and share their own experiences. If you have an adventure list idea that you'd like our artists to illustrate, please fill out our Adventure Questionnaire.
You can support our team by sponsoring an artist of your choice to create a list carefully crafted by you! Whether you are interested in nature, arts, sports, history, food, science, or culture, we’re interested in collaborating with you to share your passion with the world while supporting a local artist. Contact us below for more information about how you can commission an Addvent list.
We partner with small brick & mortar stores to connect with adventurers around the world. If you are a retailer, you can purchase our products in bulk through our selling platform (Faire Wholesale) or by reaching out to us directly. Our catalog currently features Art Prints in a variety of sizes. If you would like to carry other product types in your store, or develop custom products based on our illustrations, please let us know!