Choose among the Small Prints below, featuring 15 Desserts of Milan's Pastry Shops:
- Frolla e Cappuccino / Frolla & Cappuccino
- Torta Aurora / Aurora Cake
- Torta Sacher / Sachertorte
- Bavarese al Caffe / Coffee Bavaroise
- Torta Viola / Viola Cake
- South Cheesecake
- Crostata Pere e Cioccolato / Pears and Chocolate Tart
- Frolla Reale / Royal Pastry
- Millefoglie Crema e Lamponi / Cream and Raspberry Millefeuille
- Cheesecake ai Frutti di Bosco / Berry Cheesecake
- Torta al Pistacchio / Pistachio Cake
- Monoporzione alla Frutta / Mini Fruit Cake
- Torta Divina / Divine Cake
- Torta Setteveli / "Seven Veils" Cake- Small Print
- Torta Cacao e Marron Glace / Cocoa and Marron glace Cake
Print Size / 5.5 x 8.5
Matted Size / 8 x 10
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